Wednesday, May 11, 2011


"I would say my biggest pet peeve related to the industry would be people focusing on technology instead of design, standards instead of users, and validation rather than innovation. Web standards and best practices are noble goals, but all too often in our community people forget they are a means to an end, not the end itself." - Jeff Croft

"Design in art, is a recognition of the relation between various things, various elements in the creative flux. You can’t invent a design. You recognize it, in the fourth dimension. That is, with your blood and your bones, as well as with your eyes." - D. H. Lawrence

"It is far better to adapt the technology to the user than to force the user to adapt to the technology." - Larry Marine

"You can’t do better design with a computer, but you can speed up your work enormously." - Wim Crouwel

Technology over technique produces emotionless design. - Daniel Mall

Quotes taken from Design was here and Quotes on design.

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